Education and Life Skills

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We provide Education and Career Services with a strong focus on empowering individuals to achieve their goals. We offer guidance and support to help individuals navigate their career paths and make informed decisions about their education.

What We Offer

Financial Literacy Nutrition Education Secondary Education

Financial Literacy

Information coming soon.

Nutrition Education

Information coming soon.

 Secondary Education


Open Doors - Partnership with West Valley School District

Open Doors reengages disconnected youth through programs that encourage community partnerships, create multiple pathways for students to realize success, and provide an on-ramp to post-secondary achievement through a performance-based, individualized support model.

Who can join?

High School Education/Adults

The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) helps migratory and seasonal farmworkers (or immediate family members of such workers) who are 16 years of age or older and not currently enrolled in school to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma.

Who can join?



Virtual Academy – Red Comet - Partnership with Yakima School District
Youth Out-of-School/Online Learning

Red Comet is an education technology company offering a comprehensive suite of K–12 digital curriculum and solutions that work effectively for both online and blended learning.

Who can join?

Virtual Academy – Red Comet - Partnership with Yakima School District
Youth Credit Retrieval In-School

Red Comet is an education technology company offering a comprehensive suite of K–12 digital curriculum and solutions that work effectively for both online and blended learning.

Who can join?

Non-profit website made with Invisible Ink